Tasker: Using Termux to manage application states with Rish ADB


This article demonstrates how to use Termux in combination with Tasker and Rish to manage application states; this allows users to enable or disable built-in applications directly from the device (when configured).

If you haven’t already configured Shizuku (Rish) with Termux there is a guide available at: Termux, Shizuku and Rish configuration for Android 14

Rish variants for ADB commands

Note the following table assume that you have installed Rish within Termux at path: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/rish_auto if you have installed Rish with a different Shell or path ensure you update it here.

DescriptionCommandRish Equivalent
List all packagesadb shell pm list packagesrish_auto pm list packages
List disabled packagesThis command lists all disabled packages.
adb shell pm list packages -d
rish_auto pm list packages -d
List enabled packagesadb shell pm list packages -erish_auto pm list packages -e
Disable packagesadb shell pm disable-user --user 0 <package_to_disable>rish_auto pm disable-user --user 0 <package_to_disable>
Enable packagesFind the package name that corresponds to the app you want to enable. 
adb shell pm enable <package_to_enable>
rish_auto pm enable <package_to_enable>
Uninstall packagesNote that this on uninstall applications from user_mode:
adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 <package_to_disable>
rish_auto pm uninstall -k --user 0 <package_to_disable>
Reinstall built-packages to userspaceadb shell cmd package install-existing <name of package>rish_auto cmd package install-existing <name of package>
ADB Shell example demonstrating how to interact with the package manager on the device.

For those interested a previous article covered ADB in greater detail: Android: removing and managing built-in/bloatware applications with ADB

Example Task for Tasker

Download the XML for GitLab – Rish based Package State Prompt Task for Tasker to import on your device.

Tasker Task description

    Task: Package Manager Prompt - Rish (Demonstration)
    A1: Input Dialog [
         Title: Which package?
         Close After (Seconds): 30
         Output Variable Name: %package
         Continue Task After Error:On ]
    A2: If [ %package !Set ]
        A3: Flash [
             Text: No package defined
             Continue Task Immediately: On
             Dismiss On Click: On ]
        A4: Stop [ ]
    A5: End If
    A6: Input Dialog [
         Title: Disable or Enable?
         Default Input: disable
         Close After (Seconds): 30
         Output Variable Name: %state_temp
         Continue Task After Error:On ]
    A7: If [ %state_temp eq enable ]
        A8: Variable Set [
             Name: %state
             To: enable-user
             Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
    A9: Else
        A10: Variable Set [
              Name: %state
              To: disable-user
              Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
    A11: End If
    A12: Variable Set [
          Name: %arguments
          To: -c 'pm %state %package'
          Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
    A13: Termux [
          Configuration: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/rish_auto %arguments
         Working Directory ✕
         Stdin ✕
         Custom Log Level null
         Terminal Ses
          Timeout (Seconds): 10
          Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
    A14: Flash [
          Text: Attempting to %arguments with %result
          Long: On
          Continue Task Immediately: On
          Dismiss On Click: On ]